• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds • Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right • Third archivolt: The four cardinal virtues and equivalent sins are on the left: † Prudence (open book) with Folly underneath (woman eating a pebble); † Justice (scales) with Injustice (falsify scales); † Strength (mail coat) with Weakness beneath; † Temperence (dove) with Intemperence (uncovering the breast)
• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.
TYMPANUM • Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.
LINTEL: • Left: Nativity • Right: Angel appears to shepherds.
• Left: Isaiah (prophet of Christ's coming, now headless), and then Annunciation (Gabriel treading on devil; Mary treading on serpent). • Right Daniel (another prophet of Christ's coming, outermost) with the Visitation nearer the door (Mary on a burning bush, symbol of the Immaculate Conception and Elizabeth in the middle).
• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds • Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right • Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.
• Third, continued: The four cardinal virtues and equivalent sins are on the left: † Prudence (open book) with Folly underneath (woman eating a pebble); † Justice (scales) with Injustice (falsify scales); † Strength (mail coat) † Temperence (dove) with Intemperence (uncovering the breast)
• Third, continued: On the right are the three theological virtues and equivalent sins: † Faith (chalice receiving blood of the Lamb) with Infidelity (eyes bandaged); † Hope (looks to heaven) with Despair (stabs self); † Charity (clothes beggar) with Avarice (hoarding gold).
• To provide balance, a fourth virtue is added: † Humility (dove) with Pride (falling headlong)
• Fourth archivolt: Twelve queens bearing scrolls that at one time bore their names; these are the fruits of the spirit as per Galatians 5:22-23.
TYMPANUM • Adoration of the Magi and then warned not to return to Herod.
LINTEL: • Left: Nativity • Right: Angel appears to shepherds.
• First archivolt: ten angels, lowest two on dragons, the rest on clouds • Second archivolt: four foolish virgins on left, four foolish on the right • Third archivolt: bottom on each side contain the other two virgins for a total of ten.
• Third, continued: The three theological virtues and equivalent sins. † Faith (chalice receiving blood of the Lamb) with Infidelity (eyes bandaged).
Donated in 1971 by German Association of Friends of Chartres Cathedral. Theme of peace and reconcilliation.
Four crosses make up the window. • Lowest Center bears the Ten Commandments, source of salvation. • Left - Burning bush (revelation through natural phenomenon) • Right - Menorrah
Donated in 1971 by German Association of Friends of Chartres Cathedral. Theme of peace and reconcilliation.
Four crosses make up the window. • Lowest Center bears the Ten Commandments, source of salvation. • Left - Burning bush (revelation through natural phenomenon) • Right - Menorrah
• 2nd Center - Altar and rainbow (the covenant) • Left - Wheat (source of eucharistic bread) • Right - Grapes (source of eucharistic wine)
• 3rd Center - Charlice (the eucharist) • Left - Seven flames (7 gifts of the spirit) • Right - Sun (light of the world)